Intercultural tales to collaborate with educative projects in Mali and in Spain

Cartel de la presentación, en Valencia, de la colección 'Cuentos alrededor del Mundo'.

The project on educational innovation and international cooperation ‘Talis’ keeps on growing, to which the bilingual collection ‘Cuentos alrededor del Mundo’ (Tales around the World) belongs. Directed and coordinated by the UV professor María Alcantud, presents now two samples published with Richard Vaudhan, new technologies guru for the teaching of English. The event will take place in the micro-theatre on Friday 12 September at 17:30.

They are two volumes of intellectual tales and in a bilingual format, which includes the audio for listeners to improve the English language in different pronunciations, read by Vaughan’s native teaching staff, and in the case of Spanish, read by well-known actors and actresses, as Pilar Bardem.

Apart from Maria Alcantud, professors of the Department of didactics of Language and Literature of the UV Sonia Kuek, as writer of ‘Cuentos de Palestina’; Laura Cardona, as coordinator of ‘Cuentos de Grecia’; Teodora Salistean, as editor of have taken part in the elaboration of these books ‘Cuentos de Rumanía’; Tremedal Ortiz, as writer of ‘Cuentos de Grecia’; Estefanía Martínez Humphreys, as proof-reader of English; Elena Ortiz, as new technologies adviser; and Xavier Mínguez, as editor and proof-reader of Spanish.

The project ‘Talis’ has an intellectual nature, on the one hand, given the fusion made among world cultures through literature and the learning of languages; and solidary, on the other hand, since benefits obtained by the sale of these books are destined for different projects in collaboration with ONGD, as in the case of the VOCES Foundation.
In fact, the benefits of these books will be dedicated to the carrying out of the educative project JELE KOSEBÉ (“sonrisa” en bambara) in a school of Kalaban-Coro, with the first volume; and to the social action programme in Spain ‘Cañada Real, Vallecas, Orcasitas’, with the second volume.

María Alcantud will take part in the presentation event on behalf of Talis and the UV, the VOCES Foundation and the editorial Vaugam Systems. Moreover, a hint of intercultural party will be adopted with the reading of twelve tales in the different halls of the micro-theatre, with which the attendants will travel around the world driven by the histories selected for each occasion. Tales from Greece, Romania, India, England, Palestine, Spain, France, Sahara and United States, narrated in Spanish and English.

The publication of this collection has the collaboration of the UV and the Queen Mary University, and Talis has already in mind the edition of the volumes 3 and 4.

TALIS Project
Talis’s origin is placed in the creation and implantation of innovative methodologies for the learning of languages through literature as a tool for uniting cultures and thus fighting against poverty with the most powerful weapon known by the University: education.

The project has already seven volumes. The first seven (2012), coordinated and edited by María Alcantud through a didactic workshop inside the classroom with English Philology and Education students, and undertook with the participation of the UV, the VOCES Foundation and DualBooks. The benefits of this project are destined to collaborate in the edition of the SIDA in Haiti, where a serious situation of poverty since the deadly earthquake in 2010, without economic, educative nor sanitary resources enough for appalling the rapid development of the illness.

The seventh volume, ‘Intercultural Dialogues’: Building Solidarity through Languages’ (‘Diálogos interculturales: construyendo solidaridad a través de las lenguas’) came to light in 2013 thanks to the work carried out along with Queen Mary University, VOCES and DualBooks, with the coordination and edition of Encinas-Puente and Christ Pountain.

Web of the project:


Last update: 10 de september de 2014 12:34.

News release