José Vicente Bagán.
José Vicente Bagán.

The Ranking of the World Scientists prepared by Stanford University places the Professor of Stomatology at the Universitat de València José Vicente Bagán as one of the most influential dentists in the world. Out of 1,237 dentists identified, only seven Spaniards appear in the ranking.

The ranking, published in the journal 'Plos Biology', is based on parameters including the number of publications indexed in Elsevier's Scopus, citations received, h-index, co-authorship and a composite indicator (score). This has created a database of more than 150,000 top scientists in different fields. In the field of dentistry, 1,237 researchers have been identified worldwide.

Professor Bagán, with great scientific prestige recognised nationally and internationally in the field of Oral Medicine, was elected president of the European Academy of Oral Medicine (EAOM) in 2009. He became the first Spaniard to preside this European institution.

Author of 9 books on Stomatology and 311 scientific articles, he has won 20 awards in the field of Odontostomatology. José Vicente Bagán has been editor of the journal 'Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal', the only Spanish journal of Odontology and Stomatology, and associate editor of the journal Oral Diseases. Both journals are included in the SCI-JCR.