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Serenates 2022. Concert. Centre Cultural La Nau

2022 Serenades

El collar de la coloma. Sobre l’amor i els amants

Capella de Ministrers
Carles Magraner, conducting

1,000 years of “El collar de la coloma” (1022-2022).

Ibn Hazm of Córdoba was born in 994 and lived through the most critical years of Andalusian Islam. His time witnessed the dissolution of the caliphate and the formation of the Taifa era, which was to hasten the decline of Muslim power in the Iberian Peninsula. He is a privileged witness to these events. "El collar de la coloma" is an 11th-century work written in Arabic prose by Ibn Hazm. It is a book of reflections on the true essence of love and attempts to discover what it has in common and unchanging throughout the centuries and civilisations. Some aspects of the experience of love are presented, which is why it constitutes a first-hand testimony of the experience of love in al-Andalus during the Umayyad dynasty. It was written in Xàtiva around 1022.

Not numbered seat. Limited capacity

Early ticket sale (PVP 3€) at ​http://www.latenda.es/entrades