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Eliseo Parra y Las Piojas en Costura

Eliseo Parra y  Las Piojas en Costura. Serenates 2019. Concert. 05/07/2019. Pl. del Patriarca. 21.30h

Serenates 2019. Concert. Pl. del Patriarca

2019 Serenades

Eliseo Parra and Las Piojas en Costura (The Doodlebug in Seam)

Polirítmia (Polyrhythm) y Gran Fira de València (Valencia Great Fair)
Eliseo Parra focuses his work on the traditional repertoire of Spanish folklore from contemporary musical parameters, with influences from traditional music from other countries, Caribbean music, jazz and rock. He will perform accompanied by a group of his students, Las Piojas en Costura (The Doodleburg in Seam), who show how the musical
tradition is perpetuated among ordinary people, off stage, outside the art business, with the people of the town.  This concert is part of the Festival Polirítmia (Polyrhythm Festival) and Gran Feria de Valencia (Valencia Great Fair).

Free entry, limited capacity