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Humboldt's journey through Spain: Serendipity or destination?

Humboldt's journey through Spain: Serendipity or destination?. Conference by Sandra Rebok and Nuria Rodríguez. 04/03/2020. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19:00h

Conference by Sandra Rebok and Nuria Rodríguez. Centre Cultural La Nau. Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives

Lluís Vives European School of Thought (Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives)
Cycle: Creative Women

Dialogued conference El viaje de Humboldt por España: ¿serendipia o destino? (Spanish for Humboldt's journey through Spain: Serendipity or destination?)
On the occasion of the exhibition Sistema Humboldt: Pensar/Pintar, by Nuria Rodríguez

Sandra Rebok. Science historian, author and scientific consultant
Nuria Rodríguez. Curator. Doctor in Fine Arts and Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València

Free entry, limited capacity

The audio visual file of the act will be available in the Culture Channel of Mediauni (mediauni.uv.es)