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Other identities, other development models


Cultural Observatory Seminar La Nau Cultural Centre and Online

Otras identidades, otros modelos de desarrollo (Other identities, other development models)

Keynote speech
Pastora Filigrana, lawyer and HR defender.
Panel discussion
Demetrio Gómez, activist and HR, intersectionality and minority trainer.
Paloma Chen, journalist and activist
Miquel Ramos, journalist specialised in hate speech
Deborah Ekoka, cultural manager and bookseller

Moderated by:
Raúl Abeledo, academic director of UV Cultural Observatory  

Presented by:
Ester Alba, vice-principal of Culture and Sport UV 

Face-to-face session at La Nau Cultural Centre’s Aula Magna. Registration is required and free at: https://www.uv.es/webinarslanau

It will also be possible to follow the seminar online via the La Nau Cultural Centre’s YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/CentreCulturalLaNauUV