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Un repaso a la política española 2004-2014 (A review of Spanish politics 2004-2014)

Debate and book launching at La Nau

Debates at La Nau


Un repaso a la política española 2004-2014 (A review of Spanish politics 2004-2014)


Lecture by:

Enric Juliana, essayist, journalist and deputy chief editor of the newspaper  La Vanguardia.


Presented by:

Josep Vicent Boira, Tenured professor of Geography of the University of Valencia.


Moderated by:

Antonio Ariño, Vice-principal for Culture and Equality of the University of Valencia.


Lecture on the book by Enric Juliana, (2014) "España en el divan. De la euphoria a la desorientación, retrato de una década decisiva (Spain on the couch. From euphoria to confusión, portrait of a decisive decade) (2004-2014)". RBA Libros



Free admission, limited seating.




The lecture will be broadcasted live by the TV of the University through Internet, Mediauni (www.mediauni.uv.es/tv), and you can watch the audiovisual file in the Cultura Channel of the same media

Debats a La Nau