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XVIII Vicent Ventura Prize

Award Ceremony. La Nau

Award Ceremony of the Vicent Ventura Prize to journalist Adolf Beltran and El Camí in La Nau

This recognition was set up by the Universitat de València in 1998, the same year the Valencian journalist died. It is addressed for people or collectives that stood out by their civic trajectory and commitment with culture and Catalan languages.

The act will be leaded by the vice-principals for Culture and Equality of the Universitat de València, Antonio Ariño and the Vice-Principal of Culture, University Extension and Institutional relations of the Jaume I University, Wenceslao Rambla. It will count with the interventions of those who got awarded, as well as the philologist and sociolinguist Vicent Pitarch and the philologist and writer Frances Pérez Moragon.

Adolf Beltran Català
Journalist and writer (Valencia, 1958). He was a member of the editorial committee of the literary magazine ‘Cairell’. He worked in the Valencian newspaper ‘Noticias al Día’ and the weekly paper ‘El Temps’, where he became part of the foundational department.  From 1986 to 2015 he worked in the paper ‘El País’, where he was also responsible of the cultural supplement ‘Quadern’ in Valencia.  He is currently responsible of the Valencian edition of ‘eldiario.es’.

El Camí 
El Camí is a cultural hiking route that, with signposts, links paths and routes from all Catalan regions and isles. This way, it spreads the knowledge of the culture, history, landscape and people of each region. It is suitable for people of all ages.

Free entrance, limited capacity

XVIII Premi Vicent Ventura