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Hotel Transsilvània 2
“Hotel Transylvania 2” at Patraix

For all ages. Free entrance. Limited capacity. Better if you bring your chair!


91 minutes

Director: Genndy Tartakovsky

Animation movie

Everything seems to be improving at the Transylvania Hotel. The rigid norm established by Dracula “only for monsters” has been erased and human hosts are also welcome. What worries the Conte the most is that his worshiped grandson, Dennis, half human and half vampire, does not show any signs of vampirism. When Mavis leaves to visit her human parents-in-law, Dracula invites his friends, Frank Murray, Wayne and Griffin so that Dennis gets through a training “monsters” camp. What he ignores is that Vald, Dracula’s grumpy, is about to arrive to the hotel; when he discovers that his grandson is not pure blood and that humans are allowed to host at the Hotel, things can get really complicated.


Date 30 september 2016 at 21:30 to 23:00. Friday.


plaça de Patraix, València

Organized by

Patraix. Associació Veïnal

Colabora: Servei de Política Lingüística.



Contact dinamitza@valencia.edu

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