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Puppet show in Valencia at Hostes Festival, 2015 50% discount at the door with the ID card of the Universitat de València


'Històries de ratolins' (Mice tales)

Sona Baixet, espectacles en família

Elisa M. Matallín Company

Place: Assembly hall and hall. Entrance fee: € 5

In this occasion we also include a performance addressed to the whole family. It is a puppet show and live music by Elisa M. Matallín Company, 'Històries de ratolins' (Mice tales), with the participation of Elisa M. Matallín herself as a storyteller and puppeteer, and Francesc Burgos as musician and handler of objects and puppets.

50% discount at the door with the ID card of the Universitat de València


Date 7 march 2015 at 18:00 to 19:00. Saturday.


Octubre CCC, C/ Sant Ferran, 12, 46001 València

Organized by


Collaborates: Language Policy Service.



Contact dinamitza@valencia.edu

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