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Social economy for the culture


“Social economy for the culture”

Roundtable 1: Experiencies

Dani Fabra (Barret Cooperativa Valenciana)

Iván Segura (lawyer)

Vicent Adell (Rodamons Teatre)

Pedro de la Horra (Micomicona Publishing and Publications Director)

Roundtable 2: Institutional politics

Teresa García Muñoz (Director General for Entrepreneurship and Co-operativism GVA)

Carmen Herrera (head of the Economic-Financial Area FEVECTA)

Rafael Chaves (CIRIEC-Spain and Universitat de València)

Patricia Santacruz (technician of cooperatives Area of Economic Promotion CEMEF S.L.U.)


Vice-Rector for Culture and Sport UV


Raúl Abeledo (academic director of Observatorio Cultural UV)

Based on the practical-institutional debate on the strategic value of cooperative formulas for cultural entrepreneurship, the seminar aims to contribute to the analysis of the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities of the social economy as a tool for cultural development at the present time. The Cultural Observatory of the Universitat de València organises this activity with the aim of identifying and making visible the main lines of interest in the field, and with the firm will to continue working to deepen the reflection and the creation of collaborative networks in the field of social economy and culture.

Aula Magna, Centre Cultural La Nau UV. Registration is required and free of charge: https://www.uv.es/webinarslanau

Online Conversation YouTube Channel Centre Cultural La Nau: http://www.youtube.com/c/centreculturallanauuv


Date 29 november 2021 at 18:00 to 20:00. Monday.


Sala Palmireno. Facultat de Geografia i Història

Organized by

Org: Observatori Cultural UV. Fundació General UV

Col: Ajuntament de València. Caixa Popular.


Contact observatori.cultural@uv.es