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(Amended by agreement of the Permanent Board of the Doctoral School on 3 May 2022)


1. An international mention may be awarded to the doctoral degree, provided that the following circumstances are met:

a. During the period of training necessary to obtain the doctoral degree, the doctoral student has completed a minimum stay of three months in a prestigious higher education institution or research centre outside Spain, sufficiently accredited and with funding through competitive calls for short stays, in which they have studied or carried out research work. The stay and activities must have been endorsed by the supervisor and authorised by the academic committee of the doctoral programme, and must be included in the doctoral student's activity document. In the event that the doctoral student has applied for funding and has not been granted, the CV of the person responsible for the stay will be sent to the Doctoral School for approval, at least one month before the stay, together with the favourable report of the academic committee. that of the director of the receiving team and the work plan to be carried out; the documentation must be submitted at least one month before the start of the stay; the stay cannot begin without the prior authorisation of the Doctoral School.
In the event that the stay does not have competitive funding, the academic coordination committee of the corresponding doctoral programme must be informed no less than three months prior to its completion. In the case of a stay of more than one period, the periods must have a minimum uninterrupted duration of one month and may be divided into a maximum of two periods. In any case, the report must include the planning and justification of all the planned periods (duration, planned activities to be carried out) to complete a minimum stay of three months. The academic coordination committee of the corresponding doctoral programme will be responsible for informing, where appropriate, the stay, and will communicate this to the Doctoral School, which will have fifteen days to request, if necessary, the appropriate clarifications. The subcommittee of the relevant area of the Doctoral School will issue the mandatory report and authorise, where appropriate, this stay. In any case, the application form must include the CV of the person responsible for the stay, that of the director of the receiving team and the work plan to be carried out.

b. That part of the doctoral thesis, at least the abstract and conclusions, has been written and defended in one of the usual languages for scientific communication in its field of knowledge, other than any of the official languages in Spain, without prejudice to article 7.2. (the doctoral student must include in the doctoral thesis a broad summary written in one of the official languages of the Universitat de València, which in any case must include the objectives, methodology and conclusions of the thesis, with a minimum length of 5000 words). The Academic Committee of the PhD programme in Biomedicine and Biotechnology will not grant the international mention to those Doctoral Theses that are not written entirely in English and that are not presented and defended entirely in English (only the final reading of the conclusions may be done in another language).

c. That a minimum of two experts with accredited research experience who belong to a non-Spanish higher education institution or research institute have reported positively on the thesis prior to the reading. These experts may not be responsible for the stay referred to in paragraph (a), nor may they be part of the research team carried out in this stay. The director must provide a written statement justifying the suitability of the two proposed international experts.

d. That an expert who belongs to a non-Spanish higher education institution or research centre, with a stable link, equal to or greater than 3 years, with a doctoral degree and accredited research experience, has been part of the thesis evaluation board, provided that he or she is not responsible for said stay in section a).

2. The defence of the thesis must be carried out at the university where the doctoral student is attached. The doctoral student who wishes to apply for the award of the mention of "international doctor" must state this circumstance when requesting the authorisation to deposit the doctoral thesis.

3. Both in the case of theses under *co-supervision and in those without *co-supervision, it will be necessary to carry out a three-month stay in a university/centre different from those of affiliation of the supervisors, in order to obtain the international mention.

4. Stays at the student's home university will not be considered valid for the international mention.



International Mention

The Academic Committee of the PhD programme in Biomedicine and Biotechnology will not grant the international mention to those Doctoral Theses that are not written entirely in English and that are not presented and defended entirely in English (only the final reading of the conclusions may be done in another language).

In a session held on 23 February 2021, the Permanent Board of the Doctoral School has decided "not to admit international stays carried out online, as they must be entirely face-to-face".