Those students who have taken and passed a minimum of 60 credits in other related master’s studies such as those related to human resources management or prevention of occupational risk, etc...but who have not taken the specific training of the discipline of Psychology of Work, Organisations and Human Resources similar to the one taught in the Masters that constitute the permanent training period of the current doctoral programme, must study the training complements detailed bellow:
- Workshop in multivariate methodology (4 ECTS) to be used in own research or that of colleagues who are conducting similar work. Thus the student practice the more frequent multivariate statistical tests in research in Psychology of HR:
- 20 ECTS that develop the research competencies Completion of the “position paper“ or proposal of a research project, carrying out a detailed revision of literature, by raising the question of research and hypothesis, and elaborating the design of the own research and methodology, chronogram and other relevant aspects for the completion of the research. Development of the research project and the completion thereof, elaborating the handwritten document to be subjected to evaluation and to be defended before a professor of the programme.
Students present three results:
1. Research report. Students develop a research whose main objective is to practice the conduct and analysis of the statistical procedures studied. For this purpose they carry out a brief literature review on a specific topic recommended by their methodological tutor. They set the research issue and from there develop more extensively the section on methodology and results. b.
2. Position Paper or scientific work’s draft. Students, according to their director of research, will choose a research topic, write a manuscript and discuss it. It is a document that a comprehensive review of the subject and a research proposal is structured. They will receive feedback, comments and suggestions for improvement from professors and other students (6 ECTS).
3. Research Work. Developing the research project and conducting a first version of the thesis (14 ECTS) that they will defend publicly before a committee of three experts. These experts will make suggestions and comments to improve the development of what would later constitute the doctoral thesis.
1) Multivalent analysis in Psychology of Work, Organisations and Human Resources (8 ECTS). Workshop in multivariate methodology to be used in own research or that of colleagues who are conducting similar work. Thus the student practice the more frequent multivariate statistical tests in research in Psychology of HR: