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Those people interested in the programme can contact with the coordination centre thereof, at any time of the academic year by sending an email  to rrhhdoc@uv.es or to doctoradorrhh@us.es.


The coordination will give an answer by providing the information requested and facilitating the relevant information for carrying out the pre-registration in the programme.

The selection process includes the submission of the CV, the provision of documents and an interview with the candidates, online if necessary. During the selection process, candidates are invited to present documents that provide further evidence of their preparation and qualification.

The Academic Committee is responsible for the selection process and for issuing the candidates’ acceptance report into the programme.

Relevant merits which are considered relevant and weighting:

a) Academic record of licenciatura (former Spanish undergraduate degree) or undergraduate degree and of the Master’s Degree: (25%). Position that favours the access to grants to fund their doctoral studies.
B) Research experience and research results (i. e. publication, reports, congresses...) (25%)
C)Knowledge in research methodology (25%)
D)Written and spoken level of English (20%) E) Other relevant merits where aspects such as research grants received, fellowships in departments, courses related to the acquisition of research skills (methodology, writing of research reports, etc.) are valued, and certificates of participation in research (5%) .
