We recommend to all those interested in the programme to contact us before completing the application form. Someone from technical support will answer you and will send you general information of access to the programme and will ask you for your CV and all the necessary and relevant paperwork to analyse your scholarship opportunities, as well as a electronic copy of your thesis or any other publication by the candidate. This way the selection process will be accelerated and facilitated and candidates, especially foreigners, will be provided with more time to ask for the necessary information. They are anticipated the need to ask for a visa and apostille documents to facilitate their admission to the corresponding academic year.
The recommended admission profile is of degree holders who have studied any of the master’s that give priority access to the programme: The Master’s degree in Human Resource Management and Development (research profile), Master’s degree in Psychology of Work and Organisations, the Master’s Degree Erasmus Mundus of Psychology of Work, Organisations and Human Resources (research profile), of the University of Seville (US), the Master’s Degree in Work and Organisations Psychology of the US and the University Master’s Degree in Social Intervention and Community Psychology of the US.
In accordance with the candidate’s previous training, it is possible to access the doctoral programme after having studied the 60 ECTS corresponding to the first academic year of the previous Master’s whose programme includes 120 ECTS.
Moreover, it is required to have a B1 level of English and a sound training in research methodology in Behavioural and Social Sciences.
Finally, it is recommended presence in the researching centre where doctoral students have been admitted as well as full-time dedication.
Doctoral students are also expected to have total availability to carry out a three-months minimum stay .
From the outset, doctoral students will be part of a research team, will be provided with a working area and will work full time.
Nevertheless, the programme will also offer places for part-time doctoral students, whose access requirements are the same, but their dedication to the programme must be of at least 20 hours a week.
In case of part-time doctoral students, their devotion and interest in the research will be specially valued being possible this modality of doctoral programme: professors with a part-time contract in a university or research centre and who wish to undertake a doctoral programme or professionals working in companies part-time, geared towards research as highlighted in the merits provided in their CVs.
- Specific entry exams used in the established selection system in the doctoral programme
In addition to the assessment by the Committee in determining the criteria and merits of the candidates in order to admit them or not in the programme, a selection interview will be carried out, allowing in the main sections of the same assess the candidates’ expertise in various relevant criteria for selection. This interview takes place when candidates have not followed the recommended entry profile through the completion of the Master’s degrees that constitute the training programme period. Those who have followed one of those masters have enough information to assess their skills and qualifications in the various relevant aspects for selection.
The interview is usually carried out through skype when the candidate cannot go in person.
- Adaptation of the entry exams for especial educations needs
According to the Royal Decree 1892/2008, of 14 November, which regulates the conditions for accessing to official university undergraduate degrees and the admission procedures to Spanish public universities, the 5% of places available will be reserved for students who have a recognised disability of at least 33%, as well as for those students with permanent special educational needs associated with personal circumstances of disability, who during their previous academic life have needed resources and support for their full educational normalisation.
Programme coordination will provide advise and assistance to the access service of the University of Valencia and its analogue in the University of Seville to make the necessary adaptations for candidates with special needs, so that standards are met. The adaptations will be offered for the selection texts, for the necessary curricular adaptation and in every activity that the person carry out during the programme (selection interview adapted to students with visual or auditory disability, attendance and participation in seminars, etc..). (www.sestud.uv.es).
In addition, the UV counts on the Unit for the Integration of People with Disabilities (UPD). A counselling service for all the university community in with regard to attention to disability.
With regard to the University of Seville, in the 3/CU 19-3-09 Agreement, for which the General Regulation of US Students is approved, gather in its article 26, devoted to students with special academic necessities that can study part-time. Disabled students are included within. In the US there exists a technical committee for attention to students with a disability which has among its tasks to make technical reports and advise on the necessary adaptations to satisfy in the most appropriate manner based on the available resources and disabled students’ demands.
Likewise, those doctoral disabled students have the Unit for the Integration of People with Disabilities of the University students Service of the University of Seville (SACU).
- Criteria and admission procedures of part-time students
In case of part-time doctoral students, their devotion and interest in the research will be specially valued being possible this modality of doctoral programme: professors with a part-time contract in a university or research centre and who wish to undertake a doctoral programme or professionals working in companies part-time, geared towards research as highlighted in the merits provided in their CVs.
The selection criteria and the merits valuation will be the same for full-time candidates, with the exception of the temporal dedication to the programme and consequently the necessary years for its completion.
- Modality change
When a doctoral student requests a change of modality must submit an application to the Academic Committee arguing the reasons why you request this change. The Academic Committee will analyse the reasons given and a decision will be taken, indicating the procedures to follow to carry out the adaptation and requesting the completion of a new Research Plan, in where doctoral students and their directors, will adapt both as well as the mobility stays in other centres and each stage of the elaboration process of the doctoral thesis.