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The department of Mathematics Teaching of teh UV has been giving doctorate studies since 1988. Since the academic year 2009-2010 the offer of teh department has been transformed to adequate it to the new postgraduate studies framework of the European Higher Education Area. The current offer of Postgraduate studies of the Department is created by two official university degrees, the Mater’s Degree in Research and the Doctoral Studies Programme, the two specialised in Mathematics Teaching within the Postgraduate Official Programme of Specific Didactics of the University of Valencia. It is an interdepartmental programme which is divided into different specific teachings.

The structure of the postgraduate studies of the department is flexible and can be adapted, within some boundaries determined by the the current legislation to the particular interests of each students: On the one hand, you can choose between studying the courses full time or part time. On the other hand, you can choose between obtaining only one Master’s Degree or continuing your studies to obtain a doctoral qualifications.

The recommended pathway for those people who wish to specialise themselves as researchers in the area of the Mathematics is to complete the Master’s Degree in Research in Specific Didactics in the specialisation of Mathematics Teaching and to continue the training by joining the Doctoral Programme in Specific Teachings of the same specialisation, for developing the doctoral thesis. Those students who already have a training as researchers in this area of knowledge will be able to join the Master’s Degree or access directly to the doctoral studies depending on their training or their previous qualification.