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By referring to the following link you can access to the admission request for Doctoral Studies Programmes:

Direct access to the pre-registration form 2024-2025.

Acces to the electronical site

The online application form for Doctoral Studies is accessible from a computer connected to the Internet entering the UV's electronic site, through the following options:

  • UV students can access with their email user and password.
  • Students from other universities: if you are a new user of the virtual office of Universitat de València you may request access (username and password) by filling the following electronic form. Please, note that on the upper left corner you can change the display language to English. Once you have username and password you will be able to acces to the online application form selecting the option "Office user".


In case of computer incidents, contact our technical assistance service which will contact you as soon as possible.

To be indicated in the online application:

  • Personal and academic data. Those students with a non Spanish nationality or without residence in Spain, have to select the option “foreign” in the sections “province of birth”, “place of birth”. “province of residence” and “place of residence”.
  • The Doctoral Studies Programme in order of preference, up to a maximum of three. Also the Tutor and Director (in case of previous contact with a Tutor or Director). Preference is decisive, since the offered places of the Doctoral Studies Programmes will be allocated according to the indicated order by the student in the application. In the occasion of more applicants than offered places, these will be allocated according to  their preferences and the result of the valuation of merits done by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Studies Programme.
  • The modality of dedication (full-time or part-time) the student prefers to take in the Doctoral Studies Programme. If the student selects the part-time Doctoral Studies Programme, has to attach a brief justification.
  • In the event of disability with a recognised degree of 33% or higher, this circumstance should be indicated in the corresponding field of the online application and attach the corresponding justifying documentation.
  • The payment of the study fee of foreign title equivalence. Those students who gain admission with a non equivalent foreign university title issued within an external education system to the European Higher Education Area have to electronically pay the fee through the pre-registration online form.  This payment will be indispensable to complete the pre-registration process. (See the annual Decree of the Government of the Generalitat Valenciana setting the fees for the provision of university academic services)

Register and check

  • Once the application is completed, the student has to send the form telematically clicking the button “send”, of the tab “end”.

In order to check if your application has been properly registered, you can click the option “obtain document” and PDF copy will be generated containing the application identifier, date and hour of the presentation of the document, number of registration and the document’s digital fingerprint.

Modifications in the application

Once the pre-enrolment application has been generated, you will not be able to modify it. Therefore, you will not be able to change either the doctoral programmes chosen or their order of priority. If you wish to make this type of modification, you must send a ticket to the Student Support, with the list of doctoral programmes definitively chosen and the desired order of priority, before the deadline for submitting pre-enrolment applications (26 June 2024 until 14:00 hours).