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Regulations on the deposit, evaluation and defence of doctoral theses

(CG 29-XI-2011. Modificado CG 28-II-2012. Modificado en CG 29-X-2013. Modificado CG 28-VI-2016. Modificado CG 31-X-2017).

Defence, evaluation and grading of the doctoral thesis
1. The defence of the doctoral thesis, which will take place in a public ceremony, will begin with the presentation and defence of the research work by the doctorate student before the members of the examining board. This will be followed by a discussion with the members of the examining board, who may ask questions and request any clarifications they deem appropriate. In duly justified cases, videoconference systems may be used, in accordance with the Universitat de València regulations.
2. The doctorates present at the public event may ask questions at the time and in the manner indicated by the president of the panel.
3. Once the defence and discussion of the thesis has been completed, each member of the examining board will issue a report, and the examining board will award the overall mark for the thesis in accordance with the following scale: fail, pass, good or outstanding. To this end, the panel assessing the thesis will have at its disposal the curriculum vitae and the doctorate student's activities document, which will not give rise to a quantitative mark, but will constitute a qualitative assessment instrument that will complement the assessment of the doctoral thesis. It will also be provided with the reports of the experts that will be considered by the doctorate student at the public defence (art. 1.8).
4. The secretary of the examining board will have to hand in the mark report to the secretary's office of the corresponding centre together with the TESEO form, or the form that replaces it, duly signed, the justification of the deposit of the thesis in the institutional repository of the UV.