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  • Kozusznik,  Malgorzata. Directores: prof. Isabel Rodríguez, prof. José M. Peiró. Título: “Stress appraisal at work: its measurement and implications for well-being. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude. Universidad de Valencia, 2013.

En curso:

  • Ayala Millán Christian Yarid: Directores Prof. José M. Peiró y Núria Tordera. Título "Sustainable well-being and performance at work: HR pactices, psychological contract, personal initiative, self-efficacy and over-qualification as antecedents".
  • Djourova, Nia. Directora: prof. Isabel Rodríguez; Co-directora: Dra.Laura Lorente Prieto. Título: “Psychological Capital as a predictor of well-being and performance in the workplace: antecedents and underlying mechanisms”. Universidad de Valencia.
  • Villajos Girona, Esther. Directores: Prof. José María Peiró y prof. Núria Tordera. Título: “The relationship between human resource practices and sustainable well-being at work. The analysis of its mediators and moderators”.



  • Djourova, Nia. Tutora: prof. Isabel Rodríguez. Título: “The moderating effect of group identification and self- efficacy on the relationship between transformational leadership and climate of fear”. Universidad de Valencia, 2014.

En curso:

  • Magdaleno Marco, Jorge. Home tutor (Valencia): Isabel Rodríguez, Host tutors (Coimbra): Leonor Pais y Lisete Mónico. Título: “The effect of psychological capital on job satisfaction and the moderating role of age”.