Universitat de ValènciaResearch Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life Logo del portal

The theory of adaptation has been one of the theoretical models most used in Psychology to understand and study subjective well-being (SW) (although its use has been very limited in the Psychology of Work). This theory proposes that people respond to the events of the environment through responses that alter their level of SW in the short term, but eventually adapt to their new environment and return to their baseline SW level. Thus, the theory predicts that it is unlikely to observe changes in the SW of people in a long-term. In spite of the fact that the adaptation has received the support, studies and recent reviews have brought to light a series of problems and limitation that create research’s necessary to determinate:


  1. The adaptation answers and the changes’ patterns of these SW in front of dynamic stressors. 
  2. The variables that have impact on the pattern of changes.


The current research project has the purpose of clarifying these questions.