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The Parc Científic celebrates 10 years of coexistence between science and business

  • October 22nd, 2019
Image de la noticia

The Parc Científic of the Universitat de València (PCUV, Universitat de València’s Science Park) celebrated the 10th anniversary of its official inauguration on Wednesday 16th October, with the presence of three members of the ICMUV.

“In the spirit of contributing to the development of the city, this Parc Científic was created as the spearhead of a strategy for the necessary change in the Valencian production model; a change in the model that was necessary ten years ago and that is now essential in the midst of the era of knowledge society and the transformations of our environment.” With these speech the Principal of the Universitat of València, Maria Vicenta Mestre, addressed the scientific and business community present in the Science Park on the occasion of the celebration of its 10th Anniversary.

The event, which was also attended by the Regional Councillor for Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society, Carolina Pascual, brought together representatives of the Valencian innovation system, and included the conference Innovació, la meua visió personal (Innovation, my own vision), by the Telecommunications engineer and Director of Data Science Research at Vodafone, Nuria Oliver. The expert from Alacant highlighted the role that Artificial Intelligence is currently playing and will play in this century. “Because of its characteristics,” she said, “Artificial Intelligence is to the Fourth Industrial Revolution what electricity was in the Second.” And she has made, among many other questions, a projection of how human behaviour is able to be modelled from the interaction of people with machines. All in a conference that will be accessible through the Parc Científic Youtube channel.

Councillor Carolina Pascual has defined science parks as “frontier territories”, where academics and researchers analyse the business situation from their perspective and contribute with new ideas and new methods to achieve solutions. “This strategic frontier, multidisciplinary and innovative,” she said, “achieves the much sought-after interaction between the university and the business world with successes that the Parc Científic can accredit.”

During the event, which was led by the journalist Reyes Juan, the Universitat recognised the research centres and veteran companies located in the Parc Científic; the first — research institutes and individual centres — for their capacities and their leading role in the transfer of knowledge; the second —scientific and technologically-based companies that have grown within the PCUV—, for being an example of the generation of innovation and progress in their immediate surroundings from R&D&I, and for demonstrating, along with the research centres, the fact that public-private cooperation is fundamental for advancing towards the society of knowledge.

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