The X-ray diffraction in samples of crystalline powder is a non-destructive technique which allow both the identification of the different existing crystalline phases in a sample and the structural and microstructural characterisation of solids. As the length of X-ray waves are of the same order that the interatomic distance of crystals, these will behave as networks of diffraction, diffracting X-rays in particular directions and with characteristic forces depending on their crystalline structure. The microstructure of the material marks out the area in which the crystalling structure remains unaltered: the crystalline imperfections and the size of the grain affect the form of the difraction profile of the material, what makes possible its study through this technique.
Application of X-ray diffraction
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis of crystalline phases
- Structural determination. Resolution and refinement of crystalline structures
- Characterisation of phase transitions
- Monitoring of the reactions in solid state
- Estimation of the size of the particle
Equipment available
Seifert XRD 3003 TT Powder Diffractometer with automatic sample holder
Seifert XRD 3003 TT Powder Diffractometer with automatic sample holder
- Table XYZ
- Temperature Chamber
- Capillaries system
- Germanium monochromator
- Mbraun PSD-500
Additional Information
- Interesting links to Crystallography
- Structure of solids
Local address:
Laboratorio 0.3.3
Edificio "Blanco"
Campus Universitario de Paterna
Tlf:+34 963543760