Universitat de ValènciaInstitute of Materials Science (ICMUV) Logo del portal

Welcome to the “Semiconductors and extreme condition research unit".

This research unit is integrated, within the FOSE  a registered research group of our university,  the Materials Science Institute (ICMUV) of the University of Valencia.  Our research interests are focused mainly in two fields

1) Materials under extreme conditions

  • Synthesis and characterization of materials under extreme pressure (up to 100 GPa) and temperature (up to 3000K).
  • Structural phase transitions in materials of geophysical  interest: X-ray diffraction and absorption experiments in diamond anvil cells using synchrotron radiation.

Diamond anvil cell

Phase transition in  ZnSeTe at 12 GPa

Laser heating of Fe at 50 GPa and 300 K


In this field, we are integrated in the Spanish network on high pressure research MALTA-Consolider 

2) Wide gap semiconductors for optoelectronic and spintronic applications  

  • Preparation and characterization , by means of pulsed laser deposition of thin films multilayers of ZnO and semimagnetic alloys  ZnMO (M: Fe, Mn, Co)

Pulsed laser deposition system