Universitat de ValènciaInstitute of Materials Science (ICMUV) Logo del portal

Semiconductor Quantum Dots as a key to future technologies: from Nanophotonics to Nanoplasmonics. Ministry of Education (199,000€).
The NAVOLCHI project explores, develops and demonstrates a novel nano-scale plasmonic chip-to-chip and system-in-package interconnection platform to overcome the bandwidth, foot-print and power consumption limitations of todays electrical and optical interconnect solutions. A 2.4M€ FP7 STReP.
The NanoPV project aims at making a breakthrough step-change in photovoltaics by the removal of a set of bottlenecks which have been identified to block the application of nanostructures for high-efficiency, low-cost solar cells. A 4.0M€ FP7 STReP.
A highly integrated and sensitive POrous SIlicon based lab on a chip for multiple quantitaTIVE monitoring of Food allergies at point of care. A 2.9M€ FP7 STReP.
RTP and PECVD system. Generalitat Valenciana - Univ. Valencia (43,500 + 70,000€)
Photonic and plasmonic devices: Nanomaterials contribution, simulation devices and micro-optical spectroscopy. Ministry of Education (244,900€).