Universitat de ValènciaInterdisciplinary Research Structure for Reading Logo del portal

Erasmus+ Traineeship on Educational Psychology - Spring semester 2023

  • July 27th, 2022
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Erasmus+ Traineeship on Educational Psychology – University of Valencia​

Spring semester 2023


At the Reading Research Unit of the University of Valencia we are offering an Erasmus + Traineeship on the field of Educational Psychology, for the spring semester of 2023. The candidate will participate on a longitudinal study aimed at exploring the long-term effects of screen use on Primary school students’ reading comprehension. 

The inter will work at the labs of the Reading Research Unit as well as in the multiple collaborating educational centers in the region of Valencia. The activities to be performed include:

- Participation on training seminars on psychology and education.

- Visits to multiple primary and secondary education centers in the region of Valencia.

- Assist on psychological evaluations in primary schools: reading comprehension, sustained attention, intelligence, motivation.

- Preparation of psychological reports on the results of the evaluations, including guidelines and recommendations for improvement to implement in the classroom.

- Conduct interviews to teachers of educational centers.

- Conduct interviews to psychologists of educational centers.

Candidates are expected to have a good command of oral Spanish, a degree on Psychology or Educational sciences (or be enrolled in the last year of your degree), knowledge of spreedsheet software, and interest to work with children.

For inquiries and applications, contact prof. Salmerón: ladislao.salmeron@valencia.edu

More information about the Project for the traineeship: Project Lepanto

More information about the Reading Research Unit: www.uv.es/lectura