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ERI Talk - Miguel Ángel Font: "La inclusión como elemento regenerador de la producción cultural: Una mirada a través de la literatura"

  • April 19th, 2021
Image de la noticia

13:00h, online talk.

Language: Spanish.

La inclusión como elemento regenerador de la producción cultural: Una mirada a través de la literatura

Miguel Ángel Font

University of Castellon


Culture is a right, not a privilege. This talk will offer a practical description of a new inclusive cultural production model that takes into account accessibility from the beginning of each project to its distribution. In addition, this model is born from the dialogue between two of the most relevant voices in cultural inclusion: creative teams and their final audience. Within this talk we will deepen from the field of literary production.



Miguel Ángel Font Bisier, Valencian film director, writer and researcher. Graduated in Audiovisual Communication, he has twenty years of musical training. He speaks six languages, which has allowed him to write and direct a large number of award-winning audiovisual projects nationally and internationally. Specialist in cultural inclusion and accessibility, he is the founder of www.miCINEinclusivo.com, a platform from which you spread your work in this field. Author of fiction titles and documentaries such as XMILETiempo de blues or Creando cine inclusivo, in 2019 he shoots his first inclusive feature film: SWING! La vida d'un secret​. He has published two multimedia books, Cine de diseño universal and Un confinamiento de cuentos. He is currently PhD Student in Audiovisual and Literary Translation at the University of Castellón.