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In the event that student demand exceeds supply and a selection
of students is required, this will be undertaken by the Academic Doctoral Committee according to scientific and academic criteria
based on the following weighting table:
A) Adaptation of the previous studies to the Doctoral Programme (30%). (Students
holding a Master’s degree in Physics have the maximum
score. Students in possession of Master’s degrees in Mathematics,
Chemistry and Engineering will be between 0 and the maximum score depending on the accordance
between specialization of their master’s degree or previous studies and
own lines of research of this Doctoral Programme).
B) Average grade of the Master’s Degree academic record (40%).
C) Average grade of the undergraduate degree or Licenciatura (former Spanish undergraduate degree) academic record (20%).
D) CV with documentary evidence of merit (10%). In order to assess
this section, if it is considered desirable, a personal or telephone interview about the merits alleged in the curriculum will be carried out. (Among others, the existence of academic awards, participation in summer courses
or activities performed in prestigious research centres,
and work experience relevant to the research will be assessed