The module Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) is assessed by taking into account the presentation and public defence of the Master's Degree Thesis. This Module is thought to mean a first contact of the student with research and try to measure the maturity of the student to address a research problem in Physics. Master Thesis work is under the supervision of the director of the Master's Thesis, and will be connected to one of the lines offered by the research groups involved in the Advanced Master in Physics and Physics Doctorate Program.
The subject of the work will be in close connection with the specialty and the training route followed by the student. The object of it is to be in-depth study of a topic of interest of their specialty. It includes both the research on a specific topic with a theoretical, experimental, educational, etc. guidance, as the modality of exploratory work on one or more appealing topics in the scientific community, whether theoretical or experimental.
In accordance with the regulations, the supervisor will be the one to assign the topic of the Master's Thesis to each student. The student, with the supervisor's approval, will present his or her Master's Thesis before one committee for each speciality. The committees are appointed by the Academic Coordinating Committee of the Master's Degree in Advanced Physics. The TFM is delivered through the application ENTREU using the EST_TFM - Lliurament del Treball fi de Màster procedure uploading the TFM report in pdf format (maximum size 100 Mb). Afterwards, the student will receive an email with the Tribunal, date, time and place of presentation.
There are two calls for presenting the Master's Degree Thesis. The CCA of the Master has set for the 2023-24 academic year the following deadlines:
First Call
Deadline to upload the Trabajo Fin de Master: July 8, 2024.
Second Call
Deadline to upload the Trabajo Fin de Master: September 5, 2024.
To standardise the level and facilitate the work of the committees, the Academic Coordinating Committee suggests the following recommendations:
- The content of the Master's Degree Thesis must allow the student to complete it only in the second semester.
- As examples, and depending on the speciality chosen by the student, a Master's Degree Thesis can consist of:
- The assimilation and presentation of a review linked to the future topic of the thesis.
- The in-depth study of any topic covered in the Master's degree.
- The preparation of exploratory exercises on the topic of the thesis.
- The carrying out of an experiment/observation, or its preparation and design if the complexity requires it.
- The thesis report should not exceed 50 pages in length.
- The report must be written with a font size and a line spacing which facilitates its reading.
- For the first page, students must use the template provided by the Academic Coordinating Committee, found on the website of the Master's Degree.
- The Academic Coordinating Committee recommends that the presentation of the thesis lasts around 20 minutes, and the debate, no more than 20 minutes.
- Students can write and defend teh Master's Thesis and its presentation in Spanish, Valencian or English.
In short, this work must make it possible to measure the level of the student's maturity for addressing a research problem. In all cases, the relation between the Master's Degree Thesis and the topic of the doctoral thesis, if there is any, will be assessed.
Burjassot, March 22, 2024
The CCA for the Master in Advanced Physics