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Pre-enrolment calendar for the 2021-2022. FIRST PHASE: February 1-June 15 (JUSTIFICATION OF THE DEGREE TITLE ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2021)

  • April 30th, 2021

The official Master's Degree in History of Art and Visual Culture (UV-UJI) is inserted in the European Higher Education Area with FAIR 2019 RE-ACCREDITATION OF QUALITY BY THE AVAP (Agència Valenciana d'Avaluació i Prospectiva). PRE-REGISTRATION IS OPEN IN ITS 13TH EDITION (COURSE 2021-2022). It is important to express interest, by quota of places, in the FIRST PHASE: from February 1 to June 15, 2021. THE DEGREE AND TFG EXAMS MAY BE PRESENTED WITHOUT COMPLETING. ONLY THE COMMITMENT TO DELIVER THE TITLE ISSUE BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30, 2021. The second phase is from July 16 to September 2, 2021. It is an official public master's degree that provides an advanced university education in the field of visual arts through academic specialization in the analysis of artistic production and its processes of creation and reception through time and diverse cultures.
