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The appropriate preparation for the professional practice of law constitutes the primary objective of the Master’s Degree in Law practice of the University of Valencia.

In compliance with the Law 34/2006, 30 October, of access to the profession of lawyer and barrister of the Courts, and in accordance with the preamble of its Regulations, the main objective of the Master’s is to improve the professional competence of future lawyers, as relevant collaborators of the Justice Administration, in order to guarantee to citizens advise and a quality legal defence as essential elements for the practice of the fundamental right to effective legal protection.

Such training should be conducted according to the principles of non-discrimination and universal accessibility. This requirement of the Regulations of the Law on Access connects with one of the main objectives of the Master’s which is to influence and deepen in the fundamental training on values that should be provided to any student who intends to develop their professional future in any field of legal activity and, in this case, in the legal profession, through permanent awareness of the code of ethics of their profession.

It is not, in short, to provide a simple training in procedural action techniques or through other mechanisms of composition of interests, but from a conception of Law as the technical medium of justice, it is aimed an axiological training or in values that transcends it and that inspires to future professionals of Law in each of their actions and in their relationship with customers and other legal practitioners involved in the task of interpreting and applying Law.

Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, es también una finalidad básica de este Máster la preparación de sus estudiantes para la superación de las pruebas nacionales de evaluación de su capacitación profesional (el conocido como examen de acceso a la Abogacía).