Universitat de ValènciaMaster's Degree in Research and Rational Use of Medicines Logo del portal

On the motion of the Master’s Academic Coordination Committee, a commission will be constituted and make up by:

  • 2 representatives from the area of Pharmacology
  • 2 representatives from the area of Pharmaceutical Technology
  • 1 PAS ( Adminstrative and Service Staff) representative
  • 1 Student

This committee is responsible for applying the criteria and for the admission of students.

The maximum number of students who will be admitted to study the Master’s degree will be 40. The selection will be carried out according to the following criteria:

  • Academic record: 40%
  • Knowledge in materials related to the Master’s Degree: 20%
  • Scholarships or collaborative work with the Departments and the organisations involved: 15%
  • Publications. 10%
  • Professional Experience: 10%
  • Other merits: 5%

Equal opportunities among students who come from different levels of education or from the professional world will be represented as a prevalent criteria for acceding to the Master’s Degree, thus, the application of the previous rating scale should be individually adapted to this criteria. A module of levelling/complementary training is considered in the structure and, also, the students with special specific educational needs proceeding from disabilities will have appropriated supporting and advising tutorial services, which will assess the need of possible curricular adaptations, academic pathways or alternative studies.As well as the requirement to accredit level B2 of knowledge of Spanish defined in the classification of the Common European Framework of Reference, to access the Master's Degree, has also been introduced.