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Regional University Sports Championship 

The Universitat de València, together with the Universities of Alicante, Cardenal Herrera-CEU, Jaume I, Miguel Hernández, Politècnica de València and Catholic University Saint Vincent Martyr organise and participate, through the respective Sports Services, in the Regional University Sports Championship of the Valencian Community.

The objective of this championship is to promote the sports practice among the students of the diverse universities that are part of the Valencian Community. This competition has a general regulation and some discipline rules that, together with the discipline rules of the Spanish University Championships and the official rules of the game and the regulation of the different Spanish federations, provide a legal framework for the development of the competition.

CAEU is organised both for team sports as for individual sports:

Internal Competitions

The Area of Competitions is the responsible for organising and coordinating all the competitive activity of the Universitat de València. Our main objective is to promote the competiton in the field of the university community, both at internal and regional, national and international level.

Aids to elite and high-ranking athletes of the Universitat de València

The Universitat de València, in collaboration with the Sports Council, develops an aid programme for elite and high-ranking athletes aiming to facilitate the combination of the university studies and the high-ranking and elite sports practice. The general objective of the aid programme to the elite athletes of the Universitat de València is giving support to the high-ranking athletes (those that are present in the list of high-ranking athletes that annually publishes the Sports Council in the BOE, and/or belong to the ADO or ADOP plan); to the elite athletes of the Valencian Community (those present in the list of elite athletes that annually publishes the Council of the Valencian Government at the DOCV, as A level and B level); and to top-level athletes (athletes that have obtained one of the three first places in the Spanish associated or university championships, and athletes called up for the national team) that enrol in the 2011/2012 academic year, so that they can combine the university studies with the sports practice, based on training sessions, pre-match meetings, competitions and other necessary activities for obtaining the sports results.

This objective is fulfilled through the concession of economic aids, the possibility of obtaining the free tuition in the school or faculty where they study and of academic-sports aids to which may access all the elite and high-ranking athletes that reached the established requierements.

Scholarships and grants

  • Resolution of the aids for athletes of the Universitat de València.