The arrival of the LOMCE supposes the disappearance of the PAU or selectivity. The new model has generated lot of uncertainty, but it will be more similar to the current test than what it seemed
The arrival of the LOMCE filled students, parents, and professors of uncertainty. The implementation of a new educative law generates certain discomfort and confusion, since it is a large-scale remodelling that it takes time. Specially the LOMCE, has caused commotion and numerous critical voices raised against it.
One of the flashpoints of the debate is the reválida (revalidation). The new law raises 3 reválidas or exams of end of cycle. Thus, students should make an examination at the end of primary school, other at the end of grammar school and other at the end of high school.
The difference between these three tests is that two if them (primary and grammar school) will be guiding and the high schools one will punctuate to enter in the university or in vocational training courses.
Primary revalidation will be guiding. Students will make the exam, but they won’t have to pass it to go on studying, the results will be just to guide teachers about their stusents level. Grammar revalidation, on the other hand, has to be passed to go on studying The results of this test won’t affect the access to university mark, but it will be essential to obtain at least a 5/10 to access to higher education.
Bachillerato revalidation will be the substitute o the current PAU or selectivity. Original law plans proposed to unify all the exams in one model, that it will be carried out in all regions, the same day, at the same time and with the same contents. However, the complaint of the different autonomous communities, ended in the modification of the roadmap. In this manner, the Education Ministry will stablish the general framework of the test (contents, subjects, etc.). And the regions will determine the questions, dates, places and corrections.
The recent LOMCE modification excluded the idea that the revalidation will be multiple choice questions, since this model is not suitable with the contents studied in Bachillerato. Furthermore, the law permits each university that, if they want, they can put their own tests, but it is not compulsory, so it is not very probable that they do it.
Finally, weighting and format of the tests are the same as in the old selectivity: 5 core subjects, 2 optative and 1 specific The test will punctuate over 10, with the possibility of reach 14 in case you do the optatives. In addition, weighting will be kept the same in the final marks, Bachillerato will count a 60% and the revalidation a 40%.