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Enrolment and tutoring


The enrolment for the Master’s Degree Final Project (TFM) shall be carried out in the ordinary period in accordance with the established in the annual academic calendar.

The enrolment for the Master’s Degree Final Project shall entitle students to two official examination calls during the academic year.

Under no circumstances will the tuition fee be “without teaching”, even if the studies are phased out.


The Master’s Degree Final Project shall have at least one advisor to supervise the students’ work.

In order to supervise Master’s Degree Final Projects, advisors must hold a PhD degree, except in cases authorised by the Postgraduate Studies Committee.

If the Master’s Degree Final Project is carried out at an institution, body or company other than the Universitat de València, an external co-advisor must be appointed. This person will have to collaborate with the academic advisor in the definition of the content of the Master’s Degree Final Project and its development.

In the case of inter-university Master’s Degrees leading to a joint degree, any Ph.D. lecturer from the participating universities may be appointed as advisor.

The supervision of the project will be reflected in the professor’s POD and will be recognised under the terms established in the university’s regulatory provisions. If the supervision is shared between more than one university professor, the recognition will be shared among all of them.

Each Coordinating Committee shall establish whether students on mobility programmes may develop the Master’s Degree Final Project at the host institution. In any case, the draft project must be approved by the Academic Coordinating Committee, and an advisor of the Universitat de València will be appointed to it.

In compliance with the current regulations on Master's Degree Final Projects approved by the Governing Council of the Universitat de València, at the beginning of each academic year, the Academic Coordinating Committee (CCA) of the Master’s Degree in Research in Specific Didactics has to publish the list of Ph.D. professors, belonging to the departments responsible for teaching the Master’s Degree, who will be in charge of tutoring or supervising the TFMs of the students admitted in each academic year, as well as their offer of research topics.

To be a TFM advisor it is necessary to hold a PhD degree and have research experience related to a speciality of the Master’s Degree in Research in Specific Didactics.

From the beginning of the academic year, students can contact any of the professors included in this list if they are interested in having them supervise their TFM. A few weeks after the start of the academic year, the CCA will assign an advisor to those students who do not yet have one.

The list of professors supervising TFMs is available at this linkin the research lines section. Next to each lecturer, the research topics proposed by this professor as possible TFM topics are included. As indicated in the current regulations, it is possible to prepare a TFM on a topic other than those listed in the published list if student and professor agree.

InTFM documents“ on this website, you will find the general guidelines for carrying out the TFM.

Assignment of the project and advisor

Advisor/s election period: From November 11 to 22.

The topic of the project will be established by mutual agreement between the student and their advisor. In any case, the Academic Coordinating Committee will organise and guarantee the assignment of topic and advisor for all students enrolled.


The form that you must fill in order to proceed to the assignment of a MUIDE advisor for the academic year 2023-2024:

Remember that: 

- Students who already have an advisor assigned from other academic years do not need to fill in the form. 

- It is mandatory to contact the advisors students are interested in working with before filling in the form.

- You can consult the research lines of the teaching staff on this website:

- Each advisor has a limit on the number of projects they can supervise according to their teaching load.