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The Department of Experimental and Social Sciences Teaching of the University of Valencia has been teaching since 1988 the Doctoral Programme in Research in Experimental Sciences Teaching ( with Quality Award during the academic years 2004-2007), in which have participated and defended their theses numerous professors from Spain and Latin America, particularly from different universities of Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil. The Master’s has a close collaborative relation with researchers of these universities, specifically, with the universities of Sâo Paulo, Federal de Rio Gran don Sul, Rio, Fortaleza, Oporto, Aveiro, Buenos Aires, Neuquen, Córdoba (Argentina), Autónoma de México, La Habana, Distrital, Pedagógica and Tecnológica de Colombia, etc.

The main objective of the current Doctoral and Master’s studies is to provide training for research in teaching, of the specialisation in Experimental Sciences, as an essential dimension of the teaching activity, of the different educational levels, for improving the learning-teaching process of Experimental Sciences.

Since the academic year 2009-2010 the Doctoral and Master’s studies of the Department have been adapted it to the new postgraduate studies framework of the European Higher Education Area. Since then, the catalogue of Postgraduate Studies is constituted of two University qualifications: The Master’s Degree and the Doctoral Programme in Research in Specific Didactics in the specialisation of Experimental sciences.

Within the framework of the current regulations, the structure of the Postgraduate Studies of the area of Experimental Sciences allow the development of these, flexibly; full time or part time, depending on the needs of each student.

The recommended pathway for those people who wish to specialise themselves as researchers in the Teaching of Experimental sciences is to complete the Master’s Degree in Research in Specific Didactics in the specialisation of Experimental Sciences and to continue the training by joining the Doctoral Programme in Specific Didactics of the same specialisation, for developing the doctoral thesis. Those who already are researchers in this area of knowledge can enter to the Master’s or directly to the Doctoral Studies depending on their previous studies and degree.