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Universitat de València periodically announces several grants with the aim of facilitating student mobility and contributing to their participation in activities that complete the university experience.

Below is a list of the grants that are regularly announced and managed by the SeDi Information and Promotion Service:

Mobility aids for training activities
Financial assistance for students to cover the costs of enrolment, travel and accommodation expenses arising from participation in activities complementary to their academic training. They can be conferences, courses, congresses, summer courses, meetings or other academic initiatives.

Mobility aids for volunteer activities in cooperation projects
Financial assistance for students to cover travel and accommodation expenses arising from participation in cooperation, solidarity and education for development activities, which they conduct in collaboration with a NGDO in structurally impoverished countries.

DRAC mobility aids
Grants for students to attend courses or activities organised by the universities that form the Xarxa Vives Network. The values of the grants cover part of the costs of enrolment, travel and accommodation.


For more information or any enqueries, contact us:

Link to tiqueting: Grants
