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  • Degree in Mathematics
    imatge de la noticia

    The Degree in Mathematics intends to teach students to recognise the presence of mathematics in various areas of our environment: nature, science, technology, business processes, art, etc., and provide them with the necessary tools to apply their knowledge to them. As a result, professionals are trained to contribute with other disciplines such as engineering, biological and health sciences, economics, social sciences, etc.

  • Degree in Mathematics

    Graduates in Mathematics apply their knowledge in a wide range of areas, such as teaching, research and business, or in activities related to computer science, telecommunications, finance and consultancy, among others.

  • Degree in Mathematics
    Useful information
    • Although no prior training is required, having taken the pre-university specialisation in Science and Technology is recommended.
    • Students can carry out optional internships (9 credits), allowing them to get closer to the labour sector related to the Degree in Mathematics.
    • To carry out internships, passing 180 credits between compulsory and optional subjects is required.
    • The final project may be based on work placements. However, the project and internships are individually assessed.
  • Degree in Mathematics
    Credit: 240
    Courses: 4
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 80
    Language: English, Spanish, Valencian
    Prize: 14,03 €/Credit
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years5,9
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates8,88
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople5
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Mathematics
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusC/ Dr. Moliner, 5046100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 544 356Geolocation
  • Degree in Mathematics
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: -
    Latin: -
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: -
    Mathematics II: 0,2
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: -
    Business Economics: -
    Audiovisual Culture II: -
    Geography: -
    Design: -
    Greek II: -
    Art History: -
    Biology: 0,1
    History of Philosophy: -
    Technical Drawing II: -
    Physics: 0,2
    Geology: 0,1
    Chemistry: 0,1
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -
  • Double Degree in Physics and Mathematics
    imatge de la noticia

    Much of the technology surrounding us every day is governed by principles of physics and/or mathematical algorithms (from medical diagnosis techniques to GPS or energy production systems, cryptography, image processing, statistical analysis, etc. This double degree offers training focused on physical phenomena, the models and laws explaining them, as well as on mathematical language, the abstraction and formalisation of the deductive process, the experimental method, sophisticated instrumentation and computational methods. These studies train versatile professionals with the ability to solve multidisciplinary problems in the scientific and technological fields.

  • Double Degree in Physics and Mathematics

    This double degree develops analytical skills, abstraction and critical sense, from an approach which combines mathematical methods and rigour with intuition for modelling and solving physics problems. This training provides greater employability and adaptation in very diverse and cutting-edge sectors. Among others: basic and applied research in high-tech industrial sectors and research centres (photonics, optoelectronics, environment, alternative energies, particles and fundamental interactions, astrophysics, aerospace industry, telecommunications, new materials); financial and insurance institutions (market research and risk analysis); scientific/technical and IT consultancy firms (process optimisation, communication networks, numerical methods, coding, cryptography); healthcare (medical physics); statistical companies and institutes; meteorological and geophysical services; science teaching and communication.


  • Double Degree in Physics and Mathematics
    Useful information
    • The 330 credits are distributed along five years, each with 66 credits, with only one more course per year than a standard degree.
    • These studies are carried out in small students' groups differentiated from the original degree programmes.
    • Contents have been adapted by planning them over time. First-years mathematics courses incorporate a set of applications and instrumental notions that allow to progress in physics content as well.
    • Curiosity for science and natural phenomena, logical and abstract reasoning skills, as well as analytical, problem-solving and problem-posing skills, combined with a continuous pace of study are required.
    • Theorical courses include small-groups practical lessons of problem-solving.
    • Physics laboratories develop knowledge on measurement techniques, data analysis and instrumentation, as well as skills comparing experimental results with the predictions of theoretical models.
    • For accessing double degrees, the same subjects weighting each separate degree will be taken into account.
  • Double Degree in Physics and Mathematics
    Credit: 330
    Courses: 5
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 30
    Prize: 14,03 €/Credit
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years6,069
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates8,27
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople5
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Mathematics
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusC/ Dr. Moliner, 5046100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 544 356Geolocation
    Faculty of Physics
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusC/ Dr. Moliner, 5046100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 543 307Geolocation
  • Double Degree in Physics and Mathematics
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: -
    Latin: -
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: -
    Mathematics II: -
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: -
    Business Economics: -
    Audiovisual Culture II: -
    Geography: -
    Design: -
    Greek II: -
    Art History: -
    Biology: -
    History of Philosophy: -
    Technical Drawing II: -
    Physics: -
    Geology: -
    Chemistry: -
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -
  • Double Degree in Mathematics and Telematics Engineering

    Mathematics is the fundamental science behind applications such as cybersecurity, high-speed telecommunication networks or massive data processing, sectors led by telematics engineering.

    This double degree programme provides a strong training that combines an important mathematical foundation with extensive knowledge specific to telematics engineering, along with the necessary skills and abilities to understand and exploit the interrelationships between both disciplines.


  • Double Degree in Mathematics and Telematics Engineering

    The training acquired by graduates in Mathematics and Telematics Engineering provides a job profile with a wide capacity for employment and adaptation in very diverse and cutting-edge sectors. For example, those related to telecommunications, computing and ICT, or others such as the financial sector, scientific research, teaching or data analysis and statistics.

  • Double Degree in Mathematics and Telematics Engineering
    Useful information
    • Information leaflet of the Double Degree in Mathematics and Telematics Engineering
    • After completing these studies, two degrees will be obtained: A Degree in Mathematics and a Degree in Telematics Engineering.
    • This training allows you to pursue the regulated profession of Technical Engineer in Telecommunications. In addition, the Degree in Telematics Engineering has the Eur-Ace® international quality certification.
    • The subjects are mainly taken as part of one of the groups of the degrees in Mathematics and Telematics Engineering. The content of some subjects has been adapted to avoid repetition and to provide students with an optimal training programme.
    • In the event that students wish to leave the double degree programme and continue with one of the two degrees, they can choose which of the two they wish to continue with.
  • Double Degree in Mathematics and Telematics Engineering
    Credit: 339
    Courses: 5
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 15
    Prize: 17,34 €/Credit
    Specific website:
    Double Degree website
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years5
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates5
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople5
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Mathematics
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusC/ Dr. Moliner, 5046100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 544 356Geolocation
    School of Engineering
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusAvinguda de la Universitat s/n46100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 543 211Geolocation
  • Double Degree in Mathematics and Telematics Engineering
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: -
    Latin: -
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: -
    Mathematics II: -
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: -
    Business Economics: -
    Audiovisual Culture II: -
    Geography: -
    Design: -
    Greek II: -
    Art History: -
    Biology: -
    History of Philosophy: -
    Technical Drawing II: -
    Physics: -
    Geology: -
    Chemistry: -
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -
  • Double Degree in Mathematics and Computer Engineering

    In an increasingly digital world, there is a growing demand for people with a complete mathematical background who also have the engineering methodology to contribute to the development and use of information and communication technologies.

    The double degree programme in Mathematics and Computer Engineering provides a comprehensive training that combines these two aspects and also provides the necessary skills and abilities to understand and exploit the interrelationships between mathematics and computer engineering.

  • Double Degree in Mathematics and Computer Engineering

    The training acquired by graduates in Mathematics and Computer Engineering provides a job profile with a wide capacity for employment and adaptation in very diverse and cutting-edge sectors, both related to computing and ICT in general and to the financial sector, scientific research, teaching or data analysis and statistics.

  • Double Degree in Mathematics and Computer Engineering
    Useful information
    • Information leaflet of the Double Degree in Mathematics and Computer Engineering
    • After completing these studies, two degrees will be obtained: A Degree in Mathematics and a Degree in Computer Engineering. In addition, the Degree in Computer Engineering has the Eur-Ace® international quality certification.
    • This programme consists of 351 credits distributed over five academic years. The curriculum includes 12 credits for the Double Degree Final Project and 12 credits for an internship in a company.
    • The subjects are mainly taken as part of one of the groups of the degrees in Mathematics and Computer Engineering. The content of some subjects has been adapted to avoid repetition and to provide students with an optimal training programme.
    • In the event that students wish to leave the double degree programme and continue with one of the two degrees, they can choose which of the two they wish to continue with.
  • Double Degree in Mathematics and Computer Engineering
    Credit: 351
    Courses: 5
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 15
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 17,34 €/Credit
    Specific website:
    Double Degree website
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years5
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates6,87
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople8,233
    Func diversity ppl.10,512
    Faculty of Mathematics
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusC/ Dr. Moliner, 5046100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 544 356Geolocation
    School of Engineering
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusAvinguda de la Universitat s/n46100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 543 211Geolocation
  • Double Degree in Mathematics and Computer Engineering
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: -
    Latin: -
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: -
    Mathematics II: -
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: -
    Business Economics: -
    Audiovisual Culture II: -
    Geography: -
    Design: -
    Greek II: -
    Art History: -
    Biology: -
    History of Philosophy: -
    Technical Drawing II: -
    Physics: -
    Geology: -
    Chemistry: -
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -