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Emilio Barba CamposEmilio Barba is a Doctor in Biological Sciences and earned a Master's Degree in Environmental Management and in Environmental Impact Assessment Studies. Currently he is a researcher at the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology of the Universitat de València. His research lines are focused on the behavioural ecology and the ecology of bird communities, having published more than fifty scientific articles, and having participated in and conducted several research projects. He also works in applied fields, having conducted studies on flora and fauna, environmental impact assessments, management works of threatened species, etc. together with companies and administrations (Acciona, OHL, Vielca, Valencian Department of Environment). He is a member of the editorial commission of several scientific journals, consultant of different research agencies, and member of the Scientific Commission of the Spanish Ornithological Society. In respect of teaching, he is tenured professor of Ecology of the Ecology Teaching Unit, and teaches at the Degree in Environmental Sciences and the Master's Degree in Biodiversity: Conservation and Evolution”. He also was member of the Universitat de Valencia Senate, the Faculty of Biological Sciences Board and Cavanilles Institute Committee.