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IV Escuela de Verano de Estudios Cívicos (2 créditos ECTS). Inscrip.Abierta
4th Edition of the Civic Studies Summer School (2 ECTS credits). Open Enrolment

To understand and respond adequately to the current planetary emergency situation, where problems are closely interconnected, it is necessary to promote a plural, democratic and solidarity-based education, from a sustainable perspective, which respects diversity and encourages critical reflection and social participation, promoting individual and collective actions that consider local problems from a global approach in order to lay the foundations for a sustainable future on a human scale.

Approaching these questions from the field of Civic Studies allows us to articulate critical reflection, ethical thinking and action for social change, with the aim of developing useful ideas for citizenship and fostering the interaction of theory and practice.

This activity is structured in 5 sessions aimed at promoting reflection on current civic challenges and creating an open, participatory and experimental working ecosystem.

We seek to contribute to the development of knowledge, attitude and practices that encourage people to become aware of themselves as agents of change in their communities and as co-creators of a shared world in a society of diverse and often conflicting values.


Activity Information:




Date From 9 june 2022 to 4 july 2022. 24h. Every day.


Faculty of Philosophy - Assembly Hall

Organized by

Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society.



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