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51 Book Fair of València

The UV presents 25 editorial novelties. The institution takes up the stands 29 and 30, in the traditional Fair, at Viveros Garden.


The UV presents 25 editorial novelties in the 51 Book Fair of València that starts this Wednesday, 20 April, and ends on Sunday 1 May. The institution takes up the stands 29 and 30, in the traditional location in the Fair, at Viveros Garden. Apart from the 25 novelties, it will be possible to find co-publications and different works and magazines of centres and departments.

In the stands of the Universitat there is a collection of publications of the universities which are member of the Xarxa Vives d’Universitats, as well as a selection of university novelties of the Llibreria de la Universitat.

On Wednesday 20, at 19:30, in the Museum Room 1, the novelties of the Office of the Vice-principal for Territorial Projection and Participation will be presented: ‘Esport tradicional valencià i territori. Catàleg de l’exposició itinerant’, coordinated by Víctor Agulló Calatayud; ‘La pilota valenciana. Pràctica, ciència i codi’, by Victor Agulló Calatayud, Gregorio González Alcaide, Javier Gómez Ferri; ‘La Universitat de València i els seus entorns comarcals: la Ribera del Xúquer’ by several authors; ‘La Universitat de València i els seus entorns comarcals: la Safor, la Vall d’Albaida i l’Alt Túria valencià’, by several authors; and ‘Aportacions entorn del desenvolupament territorial i social valencià’, coordinated by Virginia Pardo. There will be the interventions of Esteban Morcillo, Principal of the Universitat de València; Jorge Hermosilla, Vice-Principal of Territorial Projection and Participation; Victor Agulló, Professor of Sociology and Social Anthropology; Antonio Ledo, Professor of Ancient History and Written Culture; and Pau Rausell, Professor of Applied Economics.

On Thursday 21, at 19:30, in the Museum Room 1, the novelties of ‘Feminism’ will be presented: ‘Desafíos de la mirada. Feminismo y cine de mujeres en España’, by Silvia Guillamón; ‘Trayectorias del deseo. Literatura, psicoanálisis, feminismo’, by Silvia Tubert; ‘De la garçonne a la pin-up. Mujeres y hombres en el siglo XX’ by Mercedes Expósito; and ‘Constance de Salm y la modernidad de su discurso feminista. Epístolas y otros escritos (1767-1845)’, by Ángela Magdalena Romera. There will be the interventions of Giulia Colaizzi, director of the collection Quaderns Feministes; Isabel Morant, former director of the collection Feminismos; Ángela Magdalena Romera, author; and Maite Simon, publisher of PUV.

On Friday 22, at 19:30, in the Museum Room 2, the novelties of ‘Historia’ will be presented: ‘Valencianos en revolución. 1808-1821’, edited by Manuel Chust; ‘La mort del duc de Calàbria. Interessos i tensions nobiliàries a l’epistolari Granvela (1539-1561)’, by Júlia Benavent and Joan Iborra; ‘La formación de los sistemas políticos. Europa (1300-1500)’, by John Watts; and ‘Las sombras de la Transición. El relato crítico de los corresponsales extranjeros (1975-1978)’, edited by Jaume Guillamet. There will be the interventions of Vicent Baydal, translator; Júlia Benavent and Joan Iborra, authors; Jaume Guillamet, editor; Pilar Hernando, author; and Vicent Olmos, publisher of PUV.

Monday 25, a las 19:30, in the Museum Room 2, commemorative act for the 40 years of Saó magazine, and presentation of ‘La revista Saó (1976-1987). Cristians i esquerrans nacionalistes’, by Francesc Martínez. There will be the interventions of Rubén Trenzano, General Director of Language Policy and Multilingualism Management; Vicent Boscà, director of Saó; and Francesc Martínez, journalist, Professor of Journalism and author.

Wednesday 27, a las 19:30, in the Museum Room 1, commemorative act for the 30 years of Caplletra magazine. There will be the intervention of Joan Rafael Ramos, director of the Inter-university Institute for Valencian Language Studies; Antoni Ferrando, director of Caplletra (1986-2001); Francesc Pérez i Moragón, publisher and publishing secretary (1994-2014); and Maria Josep Marín, director of the magazine; Josep Miquel Manzanaro, publisher and publishing secretary.

Thursday 28, at 18:00, in the Museum Room 1, act ‘Les dones lligen i escriuen’. With the presentation of ‘Neoliberalismo sexual. El mito de la libre elección’, by Ana de Miguel. There will be the interventions of Ana de Miguel, author; Julia Sevilla, honorary professor of the Universitat; and Carmen Alborch, senator and writer.

On Friday 28, at 19:30, in the Museum Room 1, the novelties of Literature will be presented: ‘Paraules invictes. Cinc estudis de poesia catalana del segle XX’, by Ferran Carbó; ‘Mai no és tard. (Vinyoliana)’, by Josep Piera; ‘La censura de la palabra. Estudio de pragmática y análisis del discurso’, by José Portolés; and ‘Caràcters’ magazine. There will be the interventions of Ferran Carbó, author; José Portolés, author; Begonya Pozo, director of ‘Caràcters’ magazine; and Gustau Muñoz, publisher of PUV.

On Friday 29, at 19:30, in the Museum Room 1, Institutional presentation: ‘Cartes de poblament valencianes modernes (segles XVI-XVIII)’, edited by Enric Guinot and Manuel Ardit; ‘Desiertos. Clases, distribución y ocupación humana’, by Manuel Julivert; ‘Premsa valencianista. Repressió, resistència cultural i represa democràtica (1958-1987)’, by Francesc Martínez; and ‘Joan B. Binimelis, Vicenç Mut i els mapes murals de Mallorca (segles XVII-XVIII)’, by Vicenç M. Rosselló and Werner-Francisco Bär. There will be the interventions of Esteban Morcillo, Principal of the Universitat de València; Enric Guinot, publisher and co-director of the collection ‘Fonts Històriques Valencianes’, Manuel Julivert, author; Francesc Martínez, author; and Vicenç M. Rosselló, author.

On Sunday 1 May, at 11:00, in the Museum Room 1, presentation of the novelties of Scientific Dissemination: ‘Creadors de futur: ciència per a millorar el món’, by Pedro Gómez; and ‘Repensar el cerebro. Secretos de la Neurociencia / Descobrint el cervell’, by Antonio Rial. Interventions by: Pedro Gómez, author; Antonio Rial, author; and Fernando Sapiña, director of the collections “Sense Fronteres / Sin Fronteras”.


ScheduleFrom 20 april 2016 to 1 may 2016. Every day at 10:00 to 22:00.


Vivers Garden. València

Organized by

Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality

La Llibreria and Publications of the Universitat de València.


