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Yoga-Dance is a physical, energetic and mental activity that combines the ancient tradition of yoga with contemporary techniques of dance, expression and body awareness.


This activity is focused on the following objectives:

- To combine postures (asanas) and sequences of movements and breathing (vinyasas) of classical yoga with the movement and expression of dance.

- To tone and strengthen the physical, energetic and mental body.

- To encourage the free expression of movement and voice.

- To increase body flexibility and balance.

- To improve postural hygiene and body awareness.

- To increase and improve lung capacity and breathing quality through the practice of breathing exercises (pranayamas).

- To increase cardiovascular capacity through aerobic work in the choreographies.

- To improve mindfulness and concentration through meditative practices that allow us to be present in the here and now.

- To improve memory.

- To improve the quality of life of the participants.

- To increase the feeling of well-being.

- To promote positive thinking.