In order to apply the refund you must fill in the electronic proceeding available in the following link:
The refund will be made to the bank card with which you paid the corresponding fee.
In the attached document you must find the instructions to fill in properly
In accordance with the budget implementation rules of Universitat de València, you may request the refund of:
1- The amount of activities and sport schools within not more than 30 calendar days from the initiation set on the programming provided for four-month activities, and within not more 7 days for one-month activities, whenever there are reasons of stronger force, on request of the person concerned and with the applicable justification.
Just only if the activity or school has not already started, or has been cancelled by Sport Service, fees can be refunded with no justification.
2- The amount of four-month/annual sport card within not more than 30 calendar days counted from the payment, on request of the person concerned and with the applicable justification of the reasons of stronger force.
It is regarded as reasons of stronger force:
a) Disease of the person concerned
b) Inconsistency with working hours.
c) Inconsistency with academic schedule.
d) For any other circumstance service direction may determine.
Refund of fees due to DANA: we inform you that the deadline to requesto the special refund due to the consequences of DANA ends on Novembre 29, 2024.