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Webinar: Just a Job? What more should companies offer?

The University of Harvard echoes on its YouTube channel the first Webinar organized by the University of Valencia at the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard.

This first Webinar is entitled “Optimal Work: The Ethics of Working at Your Best”. During his presentation, Sharif Younes, a young software engineer in the area of Boston and a professional mentor, questions the way in which we usually face our daily work, and questions if there is any way of working that is optimal, and that allows to extract the greatest potential from each work hour. Although, at first sight, it is not obvious, the answer to this question has not only technical and very useful implications, but also ethical ones.

In his speech, Sharif explains that during our work we spend many hours of activity in which, if we want, we can grow personally, be much happier and give the best of ourselves. But, as a condition for all this, he defends the need to understand the "science of work". A professional way of facing daily tasks that allows you to make the most of your time, and of each hour of work, without giving up to enjoy while doing it.

This Webinar is not like other traditional conferences, nor is just a theoretical reflection about work. In fact, it is an eminently practical session in which Sharif Younes explains, with great detail, how to make of each hour of work a "golden hour". Something that implies being able to put order in what is done, focus through mindfulness and launch to the achievement of a specific goal on each occasion. Or as the mentor and young engineer would say, using the analogy of the start of a race, it is necessary to pay attention in three moments: 'ready', 'set' and 'go'.

This Webinar is an initiative of the IECO-UV Business Ethics Chair in collaboration with RCC Harvard and the Abigail Adams Institute. It is one of the events that are the result of the agreement between the University of Valencia and the RCC at Harvard. Its broadcast took place during the first edition of the ‘Ethics Week’, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia. It was an idea promoted by the “Students Group for an Ethical Faculty of Economics” within the framework of the Educational Innovation Project "FdE Ética: training future professionals with ethics".

The next Webinar of the University of Valencia at Harvard RCC will take place on March 21st, and will address the topic of the expectations with which students face their entry into the professional world, what they expect from companies and in turn, what companies expect from students: Just a Job? What more should companies offer?

Since it was published on the Harvard YouTube Channel, the Webinar's video has gone viral due to its practical interest, its simplicity and its clarity.


Date 21 march 2018 at 18:00 to 19:00. Wednesday.


RCC Conference Room, 26 Trowbridge St., Cambridge MA

Organized by

University of Valencia IECO-UV Chair of Business Ethics, the Abigail Adams Institute in Cambridge and the RCC at Harvard University,.



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