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If you wish to continue the same studies initiated at another Spanish university, you should follow this procedure:


Having passed 60 credits in the original degree programme (if the degree programme is based on the credit system) or the subjects corresponding to the first complete academic year (if the degree programme is not based on the credit system). Transfers may not be requested if the total core credits have already been exceeded at the university of origin.


Please address the application, along with an explanatory statement, to the dean of the faculty or the director of the school which offers the degree programme.

Application form

Required documentation:

  1. Application form
  2. Certification of personal academic transcript stating the average grade
  3. Copy of DNI (identity number for Spanish citizens) or passport
  4. Copy of the publication of the courses in your degree programme in the BOE (Official State Gazette)
  5. Any additional document that justifies your request


Faculties and schools may set their own admission criteria, but the qualifications obtained by the applicant as well as the number of available places must be included. Both the criteria and number of places are to be announced on the notice board at the faculties and schools.


Established by each faculty or school and announced on their notice boards.

Admissions decisions:

Admissions decisions shall be communicated to the applicant in writing.

Administrative Procedures

You must request a transfer from the university of origin and pay the fees. Then you may enrol in the degree programme in which you have been admitted. At enrolment you need to provide:

  • Receipt of fee payment for the transfer process
  • Course description of the subjects taken, stamped by the university of origin.

Note: No fees are required when transferring to a different degree programme at the University of Valencia (including its affiliated institutions). If you do not meet the above requirements or wish to change degree programmes, you must proceed with regular pre-enrolment.

Legislative regulations