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Francisco Dokushô Villalba will speak about mindfulness at 36th UEG
The right (and duty) to live awake. Full attention (mindfulness)

Course framed in the 36th Universitat d'Estiu de Gandia


Attention is a fundamental faculty in the cognitive process that leads to the consciousness of being. A higher quality of attention favours a more trustworthy cognitive process and, therefore, a greater consciousness of being. The current education system does not provide educators and learners with tools that enable them to develop their right to grow in consciousness and, therefore, once adults, citizens cannot exercise their duty and responsibility to live awake. This course will outline proposals for implementing mindfulness in adults and show the basis for them to cultivate it in their daily lives. Theoretical principles will be presented and experimented with practical exercises. Coordinator: Francisco Dokushô Villalba, Zen Buddhist teacher, founding abbot of the Zen temple Luz Serena, founding president, teaching director of the Plena School of Attention, writer, translator and lecturer.




Tuesday, 16 July


From 4pm to 7pm hours

"Introduction to Full Attention"

"The Five Supports of Attention"

Francisco Dokushô Villalba, Zen Buddhist teacher, founding abbot of the Zen temple Luz Serena, founding president, teaching director of the Plena School of Attention, writer, translator and lecturer


Wednesday, 17 July


From 10:30am to 2:30pm

"Full attention to body-respiration"

"Full attention to sensations"

"Full attention to emotions"

Francisco Dokushô Villalba, Zen Buddhist teacher, founding abbot of the Zen temple Luz Serena, founding president, teaching director of the Plena School of Attention, writer, translator and lecturer


From 4pm to 7pm hours

Full attention to mental contents

Open full attention

Francisco Dokushô Villalba, Zen Buddhist teacher, founding abbot of the Zen temple Luz Serena, founding president, teaching director of the Plena School of Attention, writer, translator and lecturer.


ScheduleFrom 16 july 2019 to 17 july 2019. Tuesday and wednesday at 16:00 to 19:00.


International Centre of Gandia of the UV

Organized by

Gandia Centre. Universitat de València.



Contact goncisi@fundacions.uv.es

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