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New training offer in entrepreneurship at the Universitat de València

You can now consult the free training offer in entrepreneurship that the Universitat de València, through the UVentrepreneurship Campus programme, makes available to students to provide training in various aspects related to entrepreneurship. For this purpose, 520 scholarships have been announced to cover the tuition fees of the courses, which will be funded by Santander Universities.


UVentrepreneurship Campus is a training programme aimed at specialising in entrepreneurship for students and graduates of the Universitat de València, which responds to the University's objective  —as set out in its Strategic Plan—  of promoting entrepreneurship and self-employment within the university community. Within the programme there are training actions in different formats and with different durations, which will allow students to complete their curriculum through the acquisition of up to 15 entrepreneurial skills grouped into three specialisation itineraries to adapt to the European Framework of Entrepreneurial Competences (EntreComp), a tool promoted by the European Union at the end of 2016 that allows the configuration of specific academic curricula that delve into entrepreneurial skills as a specialisation in university education.

The training offer extends throughout the year 2022, including the next academic year 2022-23, for which the courses "Finance for entrepreneurs" (15 September), "e-commerce and digital marketing" (27 and 29 September), "Pitching" (6 October), " Motivating agile teams" (21 and 28 October), "Creative entrepreneurship" (10 November), " Design your social enterprise within the framework of the SDGs" (25 November) and "How to convince investors" (1 December) are already planned. Most of these courses have already been held in previous editions with an enormous degree of satisfaction on the part of the people who have received them.

The training calendar will start on 9 March with the course "Linkedin for entrepreneurs", and will continue with "Business analytics for data-driven decision making" (29 March), "Entrepreneurship in the donut economy" (11 April), "Alternative financing for entrepreneurship: crowdfunding and crowdlending" (27 April) and "Agile product design" (6 and 13 May).

These courses have a duration of 5 or 10 hours and will be taught online in the afternoon (15:30 to 20:30) by experts in the different fields related to the scope of each course. The maximum number of places is 40 per course, and those interested can apply for one of the grants financed by Santander Universities to cover tuition fees. The deadline for applications will be open until one week before each course is held.

All the information, timetable and procedure to apply for a Santander Scholarship can be found at this link.



Date From 24 february 2022 to 24 november 2022. 24h. Every day.



Organized by

UVentrepreneurship Campus.


Contact uvempren@uv.es

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