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Asistentes a la Jornada de información
23rd Conference of Information of the Conèixer Programme

The 23rd Conference of Information of the Conèixer Programme will take place on Tuesday 29th January 2019 in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. The Principal of the Universitat de València, Mª Vicenta Mestre, and the Vice-principal of Employment and Formative Programmes of the Universitat de València, Adela Valero, will open the ceremony.

The conference will count on Cecilia Castaño, professor of the Chair of Applied Economics of the Complutense University of Madrid and expert in Gender and Information Technologies, in the conference Brecha digital de género y elección de estudios.

Manuel Guillén, professor of the Faculty of Economics; Marisa Guillén, Coordinator of the English group of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry; Ferran Suay, professor of the Faculty of Psychology and director of the Permanent Service of Formation and Educative Innovation; Iana Silivestru, student of Psychology; and Pau Sendra, student of International Business take part in the panel of discussion Estudiar un grado en inglés en la Universitat de València.

Isabel Vázquez, the Vice-principal for Studies and Linguistic Policy of the Universitat de València, will also participate with a lecture entitled El futuro de los datos, datos para al futuro. Additionally, Antoni Gil, who is the general coordinator of Accessing the University Valencian System, will give the talk El acceso a la Universidad para el curso 2019-2020.


Date 29 january 2019 at 09:30 to 14:00. Tuesday.


Aula Magna de la Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia .

Organized by

Servicio de Información y dinamización (Sedi)




Contact coneixer@uv.es

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