Collecting and processing the students' opinion to strive for the continuous improvement of the curriculum is essential in the context of internal quality assurance. For Master's degrees, the information is collected at the completion of the studies and also halfway through the studies in degrees with a structure of more than 75 credits. Answers are treated anonymously by the Quality Unit.
The surveys of student satisfaction with Master's degrees are generally carried out online through the Virtual Classroom.
Survey taken at the completion of the studies
You can take the satisfaction survey when the teaching period ends. The data will be collected during one month, sometime between February and March for students who are taking a Master's degree with a structure of 75 to 90 credits, and in May for Master's with a structure of 60 or 120 credits. When the surveys are activated, students will be sent an email from the Virtual Classroom with permissions to take them.
When surveys are activated, you can access them by expanding the "News" section in the Virtual Classroom:
or directly from this website by clicking on the links that you will find in the Surveys subsection within this section.
Exceptionally, and due to the specifities of any Master's degree, other procedures for collecting information may be established.
Survey taken halfway through the studies
You can take the satisfaction survey for the period corresponding to the middle of the studies online, through the Virtual Classroom. The data will be collected during May. When the surveys are activated, students will be sent an email from the Virtual Classroom with permissions to take them.
When surveys are activated, you can access them by expanding the "News" section in the Virtual Classroom:
or directly from this website by clicking on the links that you will find in the Surveys subsection within this section.