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La gobernanza y gestión del turismo cultural
Registration: IV Edition of the Spring University of Xàtiva (13 May)

The University of Valencia will be present in the Valencian territory, also in 2021, thanks to the Universitats Estacionals programme, which has remained faithful at all times to the Valencian society, bringing the scientific production of the U.V. to a total of 20 venues throughout the province of Valencia. In this programme, promoted by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society, the themes of the different conferences have been organised according to the demands of the different towns and cities with the aim of making them as attractive and interesting as possible. We are talking about "Seasonal" events which, in some cases, such as Ontinyent, have already reached their eleventh edition.

This year we present the fourth edition of the Spring University of Xàtiva (UPXA), the result of the ongoing collaboration between the University of Valencia, the City Council of Xàtiva, the Provincial Council of Valencia and Caixa Popular.

The focus of this edition is the governance and management of cultural tourism which, as it could not be otherwise, will focus its attention on the region of La Costera. Thus, in the programme, which has been prepared in great detail, we have selected two of the main research professors of the University of Valencia, Rubén Arnandis and Miguel Antequera, from the Department of Geography, with more experience in the field of governance and management of the territory. On the other hand, we have also counted on the presence of professionals from the Costera region to tell us, from different perspectives, their more local vision: Raquel Caballero, councillor of tourism and culture of the Xàtiva Town Council; Pablo Calatayud, general director of Celler del Roure; Josep Tortosa, tourism manager of the Mancomunidad de la Costera-Canal; and Pepa Tornero, manager of the Local Action Group Caroig-Xúquer-Serra Grossa.

The exceptional health measures that have been adopted for this event require prior registration (link to registration), which is completely free of charge due to the public nature of the University of Valencia. Once registered, it will be possible to attend the conference in person (until full capacity of the room is reached, limited by COVID rules); but it will also be possible to follow it online, through this link that will be enabled minutes before the start of the conference (link to streaming). In addition, attendees registered for the conference will receive a certificate of attendance.


ScheduleFrom 3 may 2021 to 13 may 2021. Every day at 09:47 to 13:00.


Museo de Bellas Artes de Xàtiva “Casa de la Enseñanza” (Plaza del Arzobispo Mayoral, 2)

Organized by

Universitat de València

Vicerrectorado de Proyección Territorial y Sociedad

Ayuntamiento de Xàtiva

Diputación de Valencia

Caixa Popular.



Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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