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  • Degree in Sociology
    imatge de la noticia

    The Degree in Sociology provides a solid training in relation to the scientific analysis of the various social phenomena that characterise contemporary societies, their institutions and the interactions between different social groups. This training has a very important technical aspect related to the practice of social research and social planning and intervention, while requiring a special critical sensitivity that is not found in other studies. The ultimate aim is to train students to develop social action strategies that make it possible to improve the conditions and quality of life in these societies.

  • Degree in Sociology

    The training offered by the degree combines the capacity for analytical reasoning, the skills of observation and understanding of the social environment and initiative in proposing solutions to the various existing social problems. These studies enable graduates in Sociology to work in many different fields, such as social intervention, public policy, research, work organisation or education. This work can be carried out in both public and private institutions, including public administrations, sociological research centres, research and consultancy firms and analysis and planning institutes.

  • Degree in Sociology
    Useful information
    • The compulsory subjects can be either four-monthly (6 credits) or annual (9 credits).
    • One of the characteristics of the degree is that it requires multidisciplinary knowledge that covers different areas: economics, history, psychology, sociology, statistics, etc.
    • It should be borne in mind that this degree has subjects linked to statistical, descriptive and inferential analysis.
    • It is advisable for students to have an empathetic disposition to understand the object of study.
    • There is the possibility of taking the double degree programme in Sociology + Political Science and Public Administration, with a total of 321 credits.
  • Degree in Sociology
    Credit: 240
    Courses: 4
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 75
    Language: Spanish, Valencian
    Prize: 12,79 €/Credit
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years5
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates8,02
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople5
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 4b46021 València (València)
    +34 963 828 500Geolocation
  • Degree in Sociology
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: 0,2
    Latin: 0,2
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: 0,2
    Mathematics II: 0,2
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: 0,1
    Business Economics: 0,2
    Audiovisual Culture II: 0,1
    Geography: 0,2
    Design: 0,1
    Greek II: 0,1
    Art History: 0,1
    Biology: 0,1
    History of Philosophy: 0,2
    Technical Drawing II: 0,1
    Physics: 0,1
    Geology: 0,1
    Chemistry: 0,1
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -
  • Degree in Social Work
    imatge de la noticia

    The aim of Degree in Social Work is research, intervention and social assessment of social needs in order to promote change, the resolution of problems in human relations and the strengthening and freedom of society in order to increase well-being and cohesion. To achieve this, graduates in this degree apply the specific methodology that integrates case, group and community social work.

  • Degree in Social Work

    The degree in Social Work qualifies graduates to intervene in social and institutional contexts in which people, families, groups, organisations and communities live, through assistance, mediation, aid processes, education, advocacy, conflict negotiation, and transformation and integration in these contexts. In this degree they are trained to participate in the planning, formulation, development and evaluation of social policies, services and initiatives, to contribute to active citizenship through the promotion of equality and the guarantee of human and social rights; and to work in the prevention of social problems.

    • Equality and Social Welfare
    • Interculturality, Cooperation and Social Exclusion
    • Health
    • Personal, Educational and Family Support
  • Degree in Social Work
    Useful information
    • External internships are carried out at two different points in the training process, in the second and fourth years.
    • This degree offers four mentions that provide the basic training necessary to know the framework of professional action with various sectors of the population.
    • The training itineraries are linked to external internships.
    • It is possible to link the final degree project to the subject of external placements.
  • Degree in Social Work
    Credit: 240
    Courses: 4
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 230
    Language: Spanish, Valencian
    Prize: 12,79 €/Credit
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years5
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates7,18
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople5
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 4b46021 València (València)
    +34 963 828 500Geolocation
  • Degree in Social Work
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: 0,2
    Latin: 0,2
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: 0,2
    Mathematics II: 0,2
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: 0,1
    Business Economics: 0,2
    Audiovisual Culture II: 0,1
    Geography: 0,2
    Design: 0,1
    Greek II: 0,1
    Art History: 0,1
    Biology: 0,1
    History of Philosophy: 0,2
    Technical Drawing II: 0,1
    Physics: 0,1
    Geology: 0,1
    Chemistry: 0,1
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -
  • Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
    imatge de la noticia

    The Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources aims to provide the necessary training to understand in an integrated way the complexity and the dynamic and interrelational nature of human work, taking into account the legal, organisational, psychological, sociological, historical and economic perspectives. It also promotes a critical spirit in the face of social and labour problems, responsibility and an ethical sense for the application and defence of fundamental rights, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and democratic values.

  • Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources

    Graduates in Labour Relations and Human Resources are qualified to apply their theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities in the following professional fields: consultancy and labour counselling, human resources management and direction, work organisation and management, and employment mediation in the labour market. The work can be carried out in both the private and public sectors. The training received enables the autonomous learning of new knowledge and skills.


    Labour and Business Consultancy

    Intervention in the Labour Market and Socio-labour Policies

    Human Resources

  • Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
    Useful information
    • The degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources allows you to become a member of a professional association and to work as a social graduate.
    • The three specialisations are linked to the most common job opportunities; students can choose one of the specialisations or combine electives from the three.
    • Professional activity is carried out in: social graduate offices; human resources or personnel administration and management departments in companies and public administrations; legal and labour consultancies; local development agencies; services linked to the regional and national system of labour, employment and social security; local, regional and state plans linked to labour policies; cooperation and development centres and agencies; social projects and actions, etc.
    • The degree integrates work placements in companies and institutions and relates them to the aforementioned areas of work.
  • Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
    Credit: 240
    Courses: 4
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 250
    Language: Spanish, Valencian
    Prize: 12,79 €/Credit
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years5
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates5,71
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople5
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 4b46021 València (València)
    +34 963 828 500Geolocation
  • Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: 0,2
    Latin: 0,2
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: 0,2
    Mathematics II: 0,2
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: 0,1
    Business Economics: 0,2
    Audiovisual Culture II: 0,1
    Geography: 0,2
    Design: 0,1
    Greek II: 0,1
    Art History: 0,1
    Biology: 0,1
    History of Philosophy: 0,2
    Technical Drawing II: 0,1
    Physics: 0,1
    Geology: 0,1
    Chemistry: 0,1
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -
  • Double Degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration + Sociology
    imatge de la noticia

    The double degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration + Sociology (current programme / in the process of extinction) provides the necessary information, knowledge and methodology in both fields. On the one hand, the degree in Sociology trains students to develop social action strategies enabling the improvement of conditions and quality of life within societies, and offers the necessary training to analyse social phenomena of contemporary societies, their institutions...

  • Double Degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration + Sociology

    Graduates in Sociology can work in very different fields, such as social intervention, public policies, research, work organisation or education. These tasks can be carried out in both public and private institutions. As Political Sciences and Public Administration degree holders, students can access various functions at medium and high level of different public (international, state, autonomous, local and European) administrations. The private sector enables students to work as internal and external advisors for companies, political parties, unions, NGOs, etc.

  • Double Degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration + Sociology
    Useful information
    • Based on its planning, the degree will allow students to obtain a diploma in Sociology and Political Sciences after a total of five full courses.
    • 12 and 9 credit subjects are available for the whole duration of the course, while 6 and 4,5 credit subjects are only available for a four-month period.
    • Should students want to leave the double degree programme and continue with only one of the two included, they’ll be allowed to choose between the two.
    • The Faculty of Social Sciences is the reference centre for enrolment and record management.
    • Access procedures to double degrees will take into account the same subjects that are individually weighted for each of the degrees.
  • Double Degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration + Sociology
    Credit: 336
    Courses: 5
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 40
    Language: Spanish, Valencian
    Prize: 12,79 €/Credit
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years5
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates6,911
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople5
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 4b46021 València (València)
    +34 963 828 500Geolocation
  • Double Degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration + Sociology
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: -
    Latin: -
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: -
    Mathematics II: -
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: -
    Business Economics: -
    Audiovisual Culture II: -
    Geography: -
    Design: -
    Greek II: -
    Art History: -
    Biology: -
    History of Philosophy: -
    Technical Drawing II: -
    Physics: -
    Geology: -
    Chemistry: -
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -